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Top :: Sports > Golf
Listings of sites about the game of golf.

Found 3 links on 1 pages

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1. Essex Golf Courses
Essex golf courses with a golf academy and a virtual tour of the course with junior golf tuition is also available. Pro golf shop and special offers also available. Why not book a time to tee off.
Rating: [0] Votes: [0] Hits: [353] | May 6, 2010

2. Frisbee Golf Course
Marshall Street Disc Golf provides the excellent Frisbee golf course that helps to enhance player's individual activities. Get a successful player development program through the website. Contact us to make a query.
Rating: [0] Votes: [0] Hits: [247] | Oct 14, 2012

3. Youth Golf in Vero Beach FL
The purpose of the Indian River Golf Foundation (IRGF) is to promote interest and awareness of local golfing opportunities and to encourage participation in programs, such as Beginner Golf Lessons.
Rating: [0] Votes: [0] Hits: [232] | Mar 12, 2021

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